Seems there are those who still believe one can continue with those Multi dog shows. Even be bold enough to have a Catered Food Service present. Bet the Management of that Catering Company knew nothing of their Company Vehicle being used for such a event.

Sure they will prosecute the vendor as well. I looked at the fast picture line up shown on the news cast segment. All decent looking mostly young men. All this info. is on the on lines pedigree site.

Sadly the people that will suffer the most will be their families. Most likely, any that had good paying jobs can kiss them good bye. You can be assured the Humane Society will contact their employers going as high as the CEO. Their vehicles will be lost along with any money and other possessions. Their credit ruined. The lawyers will have a field day making themselves some good easy money.

I do not understand driving so many vehicles to such a event with no guards or safe perimeter set up and even a planned escape route. Such brashness reminds me of that ole song. I fought the Law and the Law won. Sad event indeed. Cheers