Got a quality stud dog from a prominent breeder. He's worked on this dog for about a month now. He's in tight with his vet.
Diarrhea non stop. He's run every wormer he can think of through the dog and tried just about everything but immodeum. I offered to help, so he sent him home with me.
I can't post pictures as I'd set myself up for all kinds of shit.

1. He acts good, wags his tail and his eyes look great.
2. He has a good appetite. So for, I've had my best luck with oatmeal and salmon. He likes my yogurt, gizzards/liver/egg and oil mixture as well.
3. I've had him a week and although he eats great, twice a day, he shits pure liquid diarrhea.

Any and all help would be appreciated.
The dog is a skeleton