Some missing ped info?
Hello Browning, from the dogs you listed on the other topic. You and partner had some good rough and tuff Carver dogs for sure. Knowing over time what I learned, wish I had got in on the ground floor with some of those first bred up Carver dogs along with some of Mr. Creels dogs. I got the Chuck dog/ Face/ Pearl bitches along with (Mim's) Sally bitch. When all were up in age. I had a limited amount time to use those dogs. I was never able to fully breed up this family of dogs. The V. Jackson Harley dog was the only surveying dog of it all. V. Jackson bred him back into the older stock dogs we had years back along with those Tunney/Face/Monkey dogs. So I would have to say that the last 25 or 30 years they are now the V. Jackson blood line. I lost it all around 30 years ago.
That Creel blood line was a good cross to some of the later bred Carver lines like the Jeramiah/Buster and Stompanato dogs. Believe it would have brought some hybrid vigor and corrected some of the bad defects showing up on those heavy inbred Boomerang dogs. Do not know if all of the Boomer stuff had bad defects. Some of John Lloyd's dogs were coming with bad under shot mouths etc. Some were real fine looking dogs. I saw one John was working at around 35 lbs. Real nice looking Carver dog. Was killed when out walking by one of those huge rattle snakes that roam free in his part of the woods.
Maybe you can help me on some missing pedigree information. First one is Dog ID=9517. Shivar's Duce has missing pedigree info. I put in all I had on the little V. Jackson's Pepper bitch. Have any more ped info on her fill free to fill it in.
The other one is Dog Id=17988. Need the dam pedigree information on the Lloyd's Queenie bitch.
Pull up W.Truett's Missy dog Id=602. Follow it out to Hargrove's Jeepster bitch. Jeepster was one of Hargrove's favorite brood bitches. Harry may have had another full sister to her.
C. Middleton obtained a bitch pup (White Gal) bred up off my Face bitch, before I owned her. Later Truett bred a bitch he got from me named Truett's Black Beauty. Garner's CH Dolly was off that Beauty bitch and Truett's (Middleton's) Prince dog. There is a dog man I know that has one of the last living bitches bred off Garner's Dolly II bitch. Cheers
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