I think people often mislead themselves by not having a true mission statement. You know, the line of shit companies put out there to remind themselves of what they should be doing, and should have been doing all along. The dog game is no different. If a guy's mission statement is to win matches and his mindset is solely on winning matches then the bad habit dogs (on percentages they are of no value to him, understanding there are exceptions to the rule, but those exceptions are few and far between). On the other hand if a guy wants to breed his dogs to win matches then that very same bad habit dog can be a vital point to the program.

An analogy would be jumping from line to line every time a dog wins or loses. People with an intelligent plan, stick to that plan and bad habit dogs can be a huge asset to that plan going forward.

Are they easy to own? Nope. Hence the name, hard keepers. Are they of value?. Absolutely. If his only bad habit is a bad chain habit, yet he demonstrates and performs well, he is of value going forward, maybe not on show night, but most definitely in getting the next one to the show. EWO