Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
I am not saying Poncho was one of the baddest dogs ever. But the dog he lost to was another Eli/Carver dog

Oh, and Poncho outproduced every dog you have

The dog David TRADED back to me, to get that son of Bud, was Sassy. And I was very glad to get her back.

If you want to try to make this personal, I can go over a complete history of how my crosses with your stuff did ... and how other crosses and my pure stuff did by comparison.

You comparison is no good you are clearly kennel blind,and I seriously doubt yours and very few others have out produced ours ,and magazines don't mean anything .cover dogs don't mean anything .real production is what means something.it is like this you got let's say 5000 pups out and 1000 make ch the other man 100pups out there and 50 make ch so who is the better producer ,Ray Charles said he could see.
Jack I don't want you to think I am coming at you cause I am not ,sometimes you take things personel.