The concept of Filial Degeneration is based on inbreeding or breeding closely related individuals. As a rule of you use only the best of said lineage and breeding cause in overall theory this breeding will revert back to an average of its lineage. This is also why I don't believe in the its in the blood statement though I myself know there are exceptions and recently thought about making one myself but I can't. It wouldn't have been a normal practice either. Anyway it would seem to me you cull to an average and take your best from an exceptional litter and raise the bar of your program. This was done in CH 357 litter Butkus to Miss Leaky and also in the Elwood to Shady Lady breeding. What are some other breedings of this practice. Not just run of the mill inbreeding for papers but strictly on exceptional individuals and what were the results. Have you used this practice and how did it work out? Sister/Brother, Half brother/sister, Daddy/Daughter, Mother/Son, Uncle/Niece, Aunt/Nephew, 1st cousins, Grandfather/Granddaughter, Grandmother/ Grandson. What results came from them. Good performance, good producers, etc. Who were some of the exceptional individuals of this practice in breeding.