I'm copying and Pasting this message per Jack. I sent this to him in regards to deletion of a certain pedigree. Thanks.
There is a pup posted as offspring off my male. I figured I'd message you personally regarding this instead of making a stink on your board. Here's the thing, my Male was stuck to this guys bitch 1 time. Well, after that..he refused to compensate me for my services, he refused to send me pictures or videos of the mother with the pups. Then, a few weeks later, Patty called me from the ADBA. Telling me my signature had been forged on a litter registration on this particular litter. The guy originally told me 5 pups were born, but tried to register 8 with the ADBA. Then, I find out he needs Staffs to his Game dogs. Needless to say, I never signed off on those "Supposed" off spring. 1, Wasn't compensated, 2 forged my signature, 3 the Am Staff thing. Most importantly, I never had any proof those pups were off my male. Patty also refused to register the pups or require me to because of those reasons. Then, I see he had them listed under my stud on here. Is this something you would delete for me? The pedigree. I don't know what them pups are actually off of. Or how many there are really. I don't want him false advertising those dogs. They aren't recognized or registered of my stud. If this is not something you want to do, I understand. Just figured I'd talk with you about it and see what can be done. Here's the pedigree to the pup I'm speaking of.