Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
I'm copying and Pasting this message per Jack. I sent this to him in regards to deletion of a certain pedigree. Thanks.

There is a pup posted as offspring off my male. I figured I'd message you personally regarding this instead of making a stink on your board. Here's the thing, my Male was stuck to this guys bitch 1 time. Well, after that..he refused to compensate me for my services, he refused to send me pictures or videos of the mother with the pups. Then, a few weeks later, Patty called me from the ADBA. Telling me my signature had been forged on a litter registration on this particular litter. The guy originally told me 5 pups were born, but tried to register 8 with the ADBA. Then, I find out he needs Staffs to his Game dogs. Needless to say, I never signed off on those "Supposed" off spring. 1, Wasn't compensated, 2 forged my signature, 3 the Am Staff thing. Most importantly, I never had any proof those pups were off my male. Patty also refused to register the pups or require me to because of those reasons. Then, I see he had them listed under my stud on here. Is this something you would delete for me? The pedigree. I don't know what them pups are actually off of. Or how many there are really. I don't want him false advertising those dogs. They aren't recognized or registered of my stud. If this is not something you want to do, I understand. Just figured I'd talk with you about it and see what can be done. Here's the pedigree to the pup I'm speaking of.


Looks Like You in your feelings McGuire. You can spread those lies as far as anyone will listen. The truth is still the truth. You know why the deal went the way it did. You're a liar plain and simple. You talk real good online but lets not forget I been in your presence more than a few times since we've had dealings to know the truth about you. I guess you saw how good Lynch Mobb looked and it made you mad that you don't have it. Whether she is registered or recognized by a registry makes no difference, YOU KNOW what she is, and its burns your heart that you don't have tht CHINAMAN/LIL GATOR X REBEL YELL blood. Believe me if she wasn't off Hammer I would have nothing to do with you. What can you offer me??? You contacted me about the breeding, YOU WANTED TO BREED TO MY BITCH (DARKCHILD) and I accepted after you lied about how good that kibble eating German shepherd beating hound of yours was. Do you tell everyone how Mr. Abernathy no longer has dealings with you because of your lying ways? Did you tell everyone that I was the one who transported your Machete dog after her breeder was going to beat your ass for lying? Did you tell everyone about those screenshots you sent out claiming Hammer's win over a machobear dog that turned out not to be hammer and instead 2 females when we found the video? Did you tell everyone that you have no real experience? Did you tell everyone how you got exposed then tried to distance yourself from us by any and all accounts? HUEBLOT@YAHOO.COM (P.S only way ADBA calls you is if you Flag your account to be contacted whenever they receive an application) Lesson of the day folks....."Just because its the only side of the story you know doesn't mean its the only side of the story."