It's a crying shame that the tree hugging community has gotten rich off of bleeding heart pussies to the point that they are controlling our daily lifestyles and traditions by using there sympathy money to pay lobbyist to pad the pockets of the people who are supposed to be our voice and represent us in Washington. It's just one stepping stone after another until we are all just working to pay taxes with no other purpose! I mean come on.. To tell a man what he can or can't do with his own property (Animals are property) is ridiculous! I'm not real educated but nor am I a do nothing bastard that sets on his ass and waits on a government check every month! I work, I own land and I pay taxes and should be able to do what I want as long as I don't hurt anyone else. Anyway, I guess we just keep on keeping on until they have complete getting off topic so I'll end my rant. Politics and me don't mix.