H.B.O.A Registry- for the dogmen and women by dogmen and women!
New Registry for working dogs and working kennels. Open to all canines, but specialize in game dogs because I myself own and breed these fine animals and understand and know historical and modern bloodlines; also familiar with a good variety of presently titled dogs with almost 20 years experience of truly preserving our breed. Give it a try fellas what can it hurt? I mean from one bulldog man to another, I feel we all need to support one another and our database and system is very modern and I don’t run a cheap ship when it comes to the quality of your paperwork. My prices are cheap, but your papers won’t be. Top grade material and precise filing. Local dogmen were astonished at the quality and craftsmanship of our work. I care about my hounds ,and as a breeder I completely understand how important it is to keep a tight and accurate digital filing of your animal. This isn’t a sales pitch, I just seen through the years how these registries tend to take advantage of good honest dogmen/women who have a strong love for this breed of dogs and they feed off of it. This is a private registry. Privacy, comfort and all out full service. For the dogmen and women by the dogmen and women. H.B.O.A Historical Breeds Of America.
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