For those that compete with their dogs!

Early morning thoughts.....
every1 banging on,
"you should make slat mills! "


Everybody thats asks for slat mills i ask them why they perfer/want slat and what their reason for it is. Most Popular answers, eh just do or because .......

My own personal thoughts on this is slatmills had a boom few years back and became popular and like the good old general public do.....follow the trend like sheep instead of research for themselves and make an educated decision. Or the fact youve to work and train the dog to work a carpet mill not just throw it on!.

No1 has yet to reply because i need to build my dogs wind!....or i have tracking dogs that will search mile after mile or have trail hounds and need em kept fit.

99% of you asking are either in2 dog sports or protection work!.

Resistance work builds stamina, power endurance, speed and can work on heart rate/recovery, it works both the muscular and circulatory system together not just 1or the other

Can increase the vo2 to the working muscles allowing them to perform harder and faster for longer!. Vo2 = volume of oxygen!

Why do you think pro fighters put so much time into their conditioning over endurance runs????

Laymans terms - convert to human equivalent so easy for all to comprehend.

Endurance work

Running on a treadmill ( similar to slatt)
Yeah youl lose weight, but your muscles and skin goes soft and muscles will deteriorate

Resistance work
( carpet mill )
Strengthens and tones the muscles as well as building stamina and increasing explosive power

So for your 3 minute trial station or 90sec aframe burts which do you think benefits and builds the explosive power needed?

Im not claiming my carpet mills are better than slatmills no!. Im telling you that the scientific evidence that resistance work trumps endurance!.
And we wont even debate on noise 😂
Ps to all yal giving it " you should build slat mills lad"
Id i wanted to make and sell slatmills thats what id be doing but i dont follow the crowd