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Thread: studs

  1. #1


    Why people always posting studs of dogs riding on there siblings peds? I always see at stud of son of ??? grandson of ??? or double bred ??? whatever happen to a stud making his on name not riding the coat tail of his blood? Lets see a stud who is 5+ years old who has earned the right to be a stud. just venting alittle SICKBOY

  2. #2
    Some friendly advice? Just let it go. Whatever has you riled up; let it go. There are a ton of dogs that earned their right to be a stud simply because their owner wants a stud. Some saw 5 minutes, while others may have seen an hour and five. Some quit and are bred out of this world. Some won a show or two or three. How a dog earns a right is left up to the individual that owns that dog. As for everything else you posted about something being double bred or a grandson of a dog? That's been going on for decades and probably isn't going to change.

  3. #3
    Couldn't agree more.

    The real question is, what insanity is possessing you to where you actually get riled up over what other people do (or don't do) with their own dogs?

    You are suffering from what is called a "Boundary Disorder" in which you actually believe your thoughts, ideas, and practices "ought" to apply to other people.

    The truth is, it is none of your business what criteria other people decide to use, and it has no bearing on you whatsoever.

    You only have control over what you do (or don't do) with your own animals ... and, if what you're doing really is superior to what other people are doing, you will ultimately have much greater satisfaction when your results prove this over time. For, ultimately, results are the only things which matter, not opinions or complaints.

    Therefore, let your results prove your point, if they can, and let other people's results prove theirs too, one way or another. Everyone has the right to his own methods & standards, or even the lack thereof, and at the end of the day the overall results will speak the truth about everyone's practices.


  4. #4
    The only person you answer to is yourself. I've seen champions bred out of a champion get beat by a first time out dog whose both parents have quit. I myself have lost to a dog that I gave away.

  5. #5
    breeding is really a toss up you never know what your going to get and again one mans garbage can become the next mans pot of gold my advice be humble with what you your self got going shoot everybody has opinions some will be bad some will be good either way if your happy with what you got and or doing with your dogs isnt that all that matters

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