The show ring sounds brutal![]()
The show ring sounds brutal![]()
Abe you told me you've been in this breed 20+ years and what do you have to show for it???? After all the dogs you been thru you have what 2-3 dogs of UKC stock??? After 20 years!?!?
At least Iam a newbie and have only put in 5-6 and a few years down the road Im better educated and can see where I need a change!
Last edited by scratchin dog; 11-02-2012 at 01:21 PM. Reason: foul language
HappyBox, it is clear you have not read the rules of this forum. Bashing other members is not tolerated here. Please read and follow all the rules found here:
Hello and thank you for joining The Pit Bull Bible APBT Discussion Forum. Before you join, and before you begin surfing, I feel it is important that you read this thread first. Not only will it enlighten you as to the purpose of this board, and edify you as to its rules, but it will also help you understand the board's full functionality which will enable you to get more out of it.
The Goal:
The goal here is to set a new standard for discussing our favorite breed, both in the level of content as well as the level of conduct. It is unfortunate that some of the more popular message boards out there have absolutely no standards for basic decency, to the extent that anyone can say or do anything they want, which invariably leads to mayhem, which is the type of climate where a reasonable and civilized person is not going to be able to enjoy himself. The Pit Bull Bible APBT Discussion Forum welcomes bulldog fanciers from all walks of life, but it asks that each of you hold yourself to a higher standard while visiting here. Conduct yourself as if the world is watching you, because it is. Conduct yourself as if the people who judge this breed do so by the type of people who own them, because they do. Realize that the better you conduct yourself as an owner of this breed, the better it reflects upon the breed, because this is true.
The Golden Rule:
With that said, The Golden Rule is what applies here, which is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In other words, speak to others as you would like them to speak to you: with respect. Even when you believe someone is wrong, or posting ignorant beliefs, try to find out why they're thinking the way they do so you can help them. Moderate degrees of playful slang and cursing are okay, on a "Rated PG" level, but excessive slang, cursing, or unwarranted attacks on others, or any other kind of base & low-level conduct will not be tolerated here. While this is not a church, and I surely am no saint, I do like to conduct myself with basic human dignity and I expect the people who visit here to conduct themselves accordingly as well. When everybody operates at this level, it makes the forum a nice place to visit.
Your first violation, you just receive a pleasant (and private) verbal warning. Your second violation, you get banned for a week to give you some time to stop and think about your level of conduct, after which you're welcome back. The third violation is a strikeout, and you get banned period. Remember, this board represents an extremely valuable resource for positive good dog folks, so please think about that while you're here, and try your best to make good positive contributions while you visit (rather than trying to detract), and you will never have to worry about a violation.
I hear you moderator and have now taken the time to read the rules... I will try to speak with kinder words although I find it unfair that people can sit here and beat me up for being a "spy" or a "suspect" when your rules specifically say "The Pit Bull Bible APBT Discussion Forum welcomes bulldog fanciers from all walks of life"... I maybe from a different walk of life then some of you on this board but I'am a fanicer all the same and have not been treated for the most part with welcome arms. All because my questions, thoughts, and opinions are different.
And it is a SHAME that someone who knows of me and who I'am and even comes from the same background in dogs would rather tear me down and talk bad then stand up for what is right just to look better in the eyes of those he'd like to please. As we all know how much easier it is to jump on the bandwagon then go with the unpopular stance.
Well I'm not here to win any of you over or try and be the most popular poster. I'm here to learn from you so that I can better my own knowledge. And I thank the few of you who have shared your much appreciated advice and knowledge
ok i got a serious question .................."this whole mentor thing.................who really has one?" lol, if i were "mentored" by anybody, its a handfull of about 6 or 7 guys, a few which ive never met in person!
Like I said run your mouth ! I don't know shit about your dog where it came from or how it's breed yup I gotta a couple a show dogs your right never once denied it or claimed to be any level of dog men ! Yup I called you a bitch you stepped outta line like a bitch does when you didn't get what you wanted like a spoiled brat ! I've never meet you doubt I ever will nor will you ever know my dog business history or present besides my show dogs. Keep running your mouth and your hole continues to get deeper ! I wouldn't trust your loud mouth with my Ro-Ki dog shit ! Ever
You have to reason for my name to come out of your mouth so don't let it ! Forget you know me as I pry I can your young loud mouth ass ! Go away !
Sorry for breaking the rules ! Won't happen again !
I went to my first UKC show this year ! Never have I owned a UKC type dog before and trust me you will never know where I've been or done but the ones the do ain't running there mouth on here !
You don't know a dam thing about but what you read on Facebook ! That is what I've put out there for the public to know that is it no more no less ! Trust me I know what I've owned what I own now and what I will own in the future and when you get burnt out and tuck your tail and go back to you training center ill still be running top notch dogs ! That I promise and you won't have a clue as to a dam thing I'm doing ! Like I told you already on fb go away your annoying