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Thread: dog food prices

  1. #1

    dog food prices

    The woman at my feed store told me diamond sent them a letter saying they're raising their prices sept 1st because of the drought we've had in the midwest.

  2. #2
    Where I live the prices are insane. All the high end kibble are 100$ a 30lb bag. Sometimes even higher. I feed raw for the same amount it would cost me to feed the cheapest crappy kibble you can find.

  3. #3
    what about show time dog food anybody no anything about this foos thanks tj

  4. #4
    Guys, RAW is your best bet. I don't do an elaborate RAW system. I feed more chicken alone than anything else and my dogs look fantastic. 10lbs of chicken is 5.90. 59 cents a pound. That alone is about the same as a bag of diamond. Throw in some guts and you got yourself a good diet plan that LITERALLY pays for itself in vet bills and such you never had to deal with.

    FEED RAW! If you can't, you have too many dogs. If you only have one and can't, then you fuckin suck!

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