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Thread: teeth implants

  1. #21
    I will also add that, because in our sport there is no governing or regulation body, that there is no way that the use of steroids can be controlled.

    Because the use of steroids isn't "against the rules" (per se), and because the use of steroids isn't really discussed in the rules, people will continue to use the drug.

    We all know that (essentially) steroids go against the spirit of "clean sportsmanship" ... and we know this because we have the precedent of so many other sports that say so.

    However, because there is no one presiding over our sport to "say so," technically the people who do so have no one to reprimand/sanction/take titles away for doing so.


  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2012
    Bulldog country
    I would think this would be considered a foreign object if noticed and a FF be due

  3. #23
    I just cant see how it could be any different than a normal tooth.

  4. #24
    we need a sanctioning body or a neutral person(vet tech) in our sport draw blood before and after an event and test for any banned subsances/PED's,do a once over of both competing animals, nose to tail(w/metal detector) including anything else neccessary to determine a fair contest took place.just my 2 sense!!

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by wrknapbt View Post
    Many of them are way too many. I've seen "CH" get laid to rest in yard accidents becuase they where not on the juice and had no roid rage to get them thru.
    This is a complete lie, and it's nonsense like this that really aggravates me. Roid rage? Really?? I don't know how many champions I've seen that weren't really worth a pot of piss, so the notion that a champion died in a chain wreck due to not being on the juice is for, lack of a better word, ignorant.

    As someone that has and has not used roids on dogs, I can say that there has never been any change in the dog's demeanor one way or another. Maybe that's because in the scheme of things, they're being used correctly instead of the ignorant way of trying to dose a dog the way a human bodybuilder doses. With idiots, who really knows. But please don't come to this board, or any other, and espouse just flat out bullshit. Then others that simply don't know better, go repeat said bullshit, and the ignorant cycle is repeated.

    Try to educate yourself on a subject before you blindly repeat such nonsense.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by skootermc View Post
    we need a sanctioning body or a neutral person(vet tech) in our sport draw blood before and after an event and test for any banned subsances/PED's,do a once over of both competing animals, nose to tail(w/metal detector) including anything else neccessary to determine a fair contest took place.just my 2 sense!!
    You are kidding right

  8. #28
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    Conway, South Carolina, United States
    It's not.,but I would not waste the time or money on it .i have seen dogs grab hogs by the leg and shake and have the gum split and tooth root and all come out .so a fake tooth would do the same .what would make a dog have a unfair advantage would be something to make it stronger ,faster ,or feel nothing .but then again some bloodlines and people are at a in fair advantage (LOL)

    This was to Pig mads last post

  9. #29
    Yeah mate dont think i could find the 2k to get it done any way. Did find a product on the net and the stud that gos in the bone is porus so the bone can grow into it. I see a few attack dogs with them while surfing for info so must be pretty sturdy.

  10. #30
    I'd take that 2k and get some new dogs lol

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