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Thread: HI there

  1. #1

    HI there

    I could not find a introduction page so i gues i say hello to Old and posible new frinds!!, Been kinda fed up with that other dictating forum. called game dog comunety. have walkt away a couple of times from it but, had lots of pm ,s to keep on posting on it. yet the moderaters tread you like shit and are very disrespectfull . so im my last pm towards the moderaters where they treatend to ban my ass over nothing. i kinda told them in a very nice way to do what they need to do so im sure within the necst 24 hours im banned..
    As it is i normaly refuse to pay to get on a forum. as my contribution to any forum to that matter is worth some as wel. as it is old jack is a frind of mine from way back, when internet was brand spanking new. and there are some other frinds from the past on this forum like Ferg. so i paid up against my prinsebels and see if this forum has more nolige and more comon sens and less BS to it .. if so then i gues paying up might be worth it.. anyway as you can see im dislectic and kinda word blind as wel. so pretty please do NOT see this as a weakness ore being DUMB..
    Hope to spend some time here and get into healthy discusions (specialy with Jack about feeding hahahhahahah)
    . anyway yours in sport L.K...

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Good to see you on here.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    I could not find a introduction page so i gues i say hello to Old and posible new frinds!!, Been kinda fed up with that other dictating forum. called game dog comunety. have walkt away a couple of times from it but, had lots of pm ,s to keep on posting on it. yet the moderaters tread you like shit and are very disrespectfull . so im my last pm towards the moderaters where they treatend to ban my ass over nothing. i kinda told them in a very nice way to do what they need to do so im sure within the necst 24 hours im banned..
    Good to see you here Big D!

    Sorry you were treated like shit over on the other site, but I am glad it drove you to come over here

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    As it is i normaly refuse to pay to get on a forum. as my contribution to any forum to that matter is worth some as wel. as it is old jack is a frind of mine from way back, when internet was brand spanking new. and there are some other frinds from the past on this forum like Ferg. so i paid up against my prinsebels and see if this forum has more nolige and more comon sens and less BS to it .. if so then i gues paying up might be worth it..
    Well, my friend, it is against my principles to pay $400 for the forum software needed to construct this resource ... and then pay my brother $20,000 to work for me to construct the database ... and then to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours putting everything together on my end ... adding all of my writings that I have done over the years ... only to give it away for free

    So I think charging $30/year to folks isn't too much to ask

    And I am glad to see you here because, yes, it does make it seem like old times again, back in the mid-90s

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    anyway as you can see im dislectic and kinda word blind as wel. so pretty please do NOT see this as a weakness ore being DUMB..
    Hope to spend some time here and get into healthy discusions (specialy with Jack about feeding hahahhahahah)
    . anyway yours in sport L.K...
    Big D, you have always been an interesting mix of terrible writing/spelling () ... and yet you offer GREAT insight and experience that we all can enjoy and learn from () ... so I look forward to your participation here bud.



  7. #7
    Hello Big D

    I am very pleased to see you here. I consider you and your camp one of the premiere breeders and dogmen in the world.
    Look forward getting to converse with you on a regular basis.

    Don't let the spelling and grammar fool you guys who don't know him. Dude is a class act bulldog man.

    Take care,


  8. #8
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Golden State
    What up limey........

  9. #9
    Thanks guys,Jack Ferg..
    Crisis that dog in your atavar looks like a Carl mims dog. used to have a son of MAD Gabe that lookt simulair...``kinda stompenat like as wel'

  10. #10
    Am I mistaken or you first joined here from the first days as BigD?
    Welcome anyway.

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