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Thread: pinched nerve

  1. #1

    pinched nerve

    Few months back my dog hurt his back i had been stretching him and rubbing him down but he didnt seem to be getting better so loaded him up and did the 800km round trip to the vet for xrays just to check he never had fractured hip or anything like that. Xrays were done nothing broken just assumed pinched nerve was given cortisone tablets to fix him up. 2 days after starting meds he lost use of his back legs so stopped the meds for a week to see if he improved but he didnt. I have had him back on the meds for 3 weeks and putting him in water for 2 hours every aftetnoon but not seeing much progress if any at all. Has anyone had experiance with this at all i am wondering if he will ever walk again and what sought of time frame to put on it?

  2. #2
    Some owners report an unusual form of lameness in their dogs. Characteristically, they will say their dog was suddenly very lame in one back leg, dragging the leg behind them with the leg stiff and straight. They will then say with wonder that suddenly the dog became normal again. Often they ask if the dog had a fit.

    While fitting does sometimes causes this problem, dislocating kneecaps (luxating patellas) are a much more common reason. This can occur in any breed. It is caused by the sideways movement of the kneecap. When the kneecap moves out of position, it acts like a wedge and tightens the ligaments around the knee so that the animal cannot bend its leg. Suddenly the kneecap slides back into position and the dog can walk normally again.

    Maybe this will help

  3. #3
    Thanks mate but no thats not it he is full paraplegic he can move his legs i have seen them move and sometimes if you stand him up he can stand for 2 or 3 sec but has lost all condition in his ass end i fear i am going to have to put him down. He has a arche in his spine i am guessing the pinched nerve is there.

  4. #4
    Wow that's a serious problem. Do what you gotta do.

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