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Thread: Losers that made dogs "famous"!

  1. #11

    Re: Losers that made dogs "famous"!

    How about Finley's Ch. Bo.... Lost to Vindictor.. Bro to the infamous Zebo

  2. #12

    Re: Losers that made dogs "famous"!

    Quote Originally Posted by Da District
    How about Finley's Ch. Bo.... Lost to Vindictor.. Bro to the infamous Zebo
    Would he have gotten as much publicity just as a bro to Gr Ch Zebo and had he not beat Bo father to one of the all time greats Ch. Jeep?

  3. #13

    Re: Losers that made dogs "famous"!

    Bullyson had a loss on his belt

  4. #14
    CH. BLACK MISSY who lost to CH. PANDORA; CH. FOAMIE who also lost to CH. PANDORA; GR.CH. CARRIBEANA who lost to CH. RUBY; CH. SWEENIE TODD who lost to CH. TATER SALAD; GR.CH. FIRECRACKER who lost to GR.CH. TKO; and to sum it up.... A Blast From The Past, GR.CH. SANDMAN who lost to GR.CH. BUCK.

  5. #15
    Sandman is pretty well known to. For those who might not know, Sandman lost to Buck.

  6. #16
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    are we talkin controversy??? if so id say bullyson x benny bob.............

  7. #17
    Ch.Rocky was shown 5 times. Along the way in those 5 shows, he lost to Gr.Ch.Buck and Gr.Ch.Ace, and he still managed to win 3 other shows.

    Black Missy, who lost to Pandora, was pts for obvious reasons.

    Snooty lost to Rascal, and he went on to produce quality dogs afterwards. Sampson, who stopped Rascal, passed on after his show, so there was nothing more for him to do at that point.

    Ch. Spanky beat Ch. Simba, who was supposed to be one of the killingest (is that a word?? ) dogs on the planet. He went on to win another show afterwards. Simba went out west and was bred some times for his owner.

    Ch.Chambooga, who lost to Ch.Gator, was pts after his loss.

    Ch.Charlie (Jeep's brother) quit to Ch. Hotstick and went on to be bred and have a program built around him to some degree.

    Busenbark's Barney, who lost to WCC/Jose's Gr.Ch.Bull, lost half his top muzzle, and he went on to produce some high quality dogs.

    If given enough time, I'm sure some of us could come up with a whole slew of dogs that could be thrown into this particular vein of thought.

  8. #18
    My own Poncho dog, who lost to Ch Leonard, went on to build a helluva legacy as a producer.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    Black Missy, who lost to Pandora, was pts for obvious reasons.
    What does 'pts' mean?

  10. #20
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    put to sleep

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