362537 please post for me.just asking open minded educated opinions on what to breed my female 2!!list available studs thanks!!RUDD
362537 please post for me.just asking open minded educated opinions on what to breed my female 2!!list available studs thanks!!RUDD
Without knowing your dog or the dogs you have access to it is only a calculated guess really, but I would suggest tightening up with the mims stuff.
thanks!!!lpk...please professional pple show them good studs that go good wit ANYTHING like i no some do!!..thanks!!RUDD!!
A tight boomer bred dog would probably click pretty good... All things being given...
Something like this:http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com...&dog_id=413108
This guy is a little young but the kinda breeding I'm speaking of!
very nice stud lpk thanks!!!!keep them over the average producers coming!!!RUDD!!
Not my stud... Belongs to a buddy of mine... And yes he is a very very nice specimen of the boomer blood.Originally Posted by snake252
n my area mims dopey/mims little amber & baileys bingo r the main redboy strains carried.how is the BOOMER stuff doin??i hear good things about it but its just hearsay!!thanks!!RUDD!!