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Thread: All dogs descendants of wolves???

  1. #1

    All dogs descendants of wolves???

    Just seen that Blue commercial so I thought I'd thread this. I don't think it's true though.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Wise View Post
    Just seen that Blue commercial so I thought I'd thread this. I don't think it's true though.
    that's what they say. Scientist even get more specific and say they are all particularly descendants of the grey wolf. I don't know enough on the subject to argue against the science of it all.

  3. #3
    Yes... From the great dane, to the chihuahua. All dogs are direct descendents of wolves, and they can breed with wolves with no problem. If you want a good read as to the process of evolution from plants to bacteria to viruses to dogs. Read Dawkins book, "the greatest show on earth."

  4. #4
    Yeah I believe dogs and wolves are same species technically. but can they breed with other canis such as fox and jackals and are they also same species?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Hand View Post
    Yeah I believe dogs and wolves are same species technically. but can they breed with other canis such as fox and jackals and are they also same species?
    Coyotes and dogs have been none to breed naturally without man intervention, hence the term "Coy dog". Most wolf dog hybrids are the result of someone breeding a wolf to a dog.

  6. #6
    On top of that, I think I recall reading somewhere, that dogs have a somewhat special gene that allows them to develop and establish characteristics at a fast rate, that is why within 100 years we have multiple times the number of dog breeds that we used to have. So, no wonder that all these different looking and acting types of dogs come from wolves. Also, I think I mentioned it here before, about domesticated foxes that within 20 years they developed attitudes, colors and other characteristics similar to dogs, so this gene thing must hold some truth into it.

  7. #7
    What about greyhounds and salukis. There are no wolves in Africa.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by DVN View Post
    Coyotes and dogs have been none to breed naturally without man intervention, hence the term "Coy dog". Most wolf dog hybrids are the result of someone breeding a wolf to a dog.
    Wow I guess this explains all the brindle yotes I got around here.Just kidding,but we do see solid black yotes.I think they call them coydogs around here too,we call them target practice.

  9. #9
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    At one time I thought they were.but now I don't think so simpl because every culture in the world has had dogs from the beginning of time .and hybrid dog x wolf can't reproduce so they say ,just like a mule horse donkey cross they can breed but can't reproduce ..lion x tiger = liger .the liger can't reproduce .i do think the wolf ,dog ,coyote ,fox are all related .but yet maybe the dog came from the wild dogs of Africa .

  10. #10
    When I got my wolf, it was a cub from a den in the mountains of NC. No hybrid, but one of the best animals I ever had the pleasure to own. Feeding time was somewhat different however. Once given the meal, anyone had to exit the pen until it was over!

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