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I have a real nice Pit Island bitch that I got directly from B. With that said I believe that his red boy breedings and his jocko stuff is bred the way he says its bred but not that rascal stuff he supposedly just re aquired. When he first put them on his site I called about them and found it hard to believe that he sold these dogs off then years later gets the blood back claiming to be the only person in the world with it!?! Not to mention $1500-$2000 for pups off dogs that are not Ch's or ROM. He reminds me of Pit Stop Rick, a guy with some well bred dogs that have good potential but he's all about the money so whatever it takes for him to make that sale. The funniest thing is he won't let you visit the yard but yet and still won't show pics of the brood bitches or pics of the pups with the mom, even gets offended when you question it. T each is own.