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Thread: Should negative babesia canis and gibsoni test be a requirement before a show?

  1. #11
    Its an absolute must before a show that both party,s have had babesia test done....i would never go into someone knowing there one has the disease. And i would also never hook my one up knowing he has it..
    Down here,its common practice to test for babesia,even for bumps.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by gameday View Post
    Its an absolute must before a show that both party,s have had babesia test done....i would never go into someone knowing there one has the disease. And i would also never hook my one up knowing he has it..
    Down here,its common practice to test for babesia,even for bumps.
    An "absolute" must?

    I would bet the number of shows that go down without a test, to the number of shows that both parties "must" get tested, is about 100-1 (if not greater)?

    And for rolls too, the disparity must be astronomical

    Let me ask you, where do you live exactly? I could see this being valuable in a cold climate, where ticks don't exist, but I can't see this as realistic at all for a large yard in the south.


  3. #13
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    Not to mention it is to easy to take a clean Babesia free dog to the vet ,and put the dogs name that is in the competition on it.although it would be nice if it could be done ,but there is not enough honest people out there.

  4. #14
    I think this sums it up. It is sort of like saying we are going into each other steroid free, all natural. A test would be nice but how many people would allow an injection/blood sample of the actual dog during/after the wash? Not too many. How many would actually lie? Lots. Do we exchange monies on show night and wait for the tests to come back and exchange monies again for positive results. The dogs are honest, people are not. In theory, I like it the idea of testing for all the bad things out there prior to the engagement but in reality it would depend on the honesty/integrity of the people in the dogs.
    If the majority were above board it is a great idea but factor in the people involved and one can trust most as far as they can be thrown. EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    Not to mention it is to easy to take a clean Babesia free dog to the vet ,and put the dogs name that is in the competition on it.although it would be nice if it could be done ,but there is not enough honest people out there.

  5. #15
    oftopic: around here the use of steroids and epo have become so normal that they are for sell by dogman for dogman on internet boards. they are not making any secret of using big quantities of epo.

    well, i guess its better to allow everything for anyone then try to restrict stuff you cant test. people will keep using them anyway. just as they would still bring their dogs who carry babesia.

  6. #16
    Most people that use epo hurt the dog more than help. It's a very thin line. Blood has natural hormones that regulate it.. Too much epo or epo when the blood is already packed with rbc's, and the body starts to kill rbc's. So.. If used correctly, yes.. An advantage, but most idiots hurt the dog more than help.

  7. #17
    if you know how to use it, then u know it can do more then replete/complement? rbc within normal ranges.

  8. #18
    That's a BIG if!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    An "absolute" must?

    I would bet the number of shows that go down without a test, to the number of shows that both parties "must" get tested, is about 100-1 (if not greater)?

    And for rolls too, the disparity must be astronomical

    Let me ask you, where do you live exactly? I could see this being valuable in a cold climate, where ticks don't exist, but I can't see this as realistic at all for a large yard in the south.


    Well mr jack,im from me when i tell you that everyone who is serious about these hounds down here, tests for babesia! Even for bumps..

    The ratio is more like 100/100 test before a hunt,down here!
    In my oppinion,i think its good practice,and sure helps it from becoming a major wide spread problem.

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