This was a 300 lb plus boar ..he had dogs flying in the air ,if not for some fine game bred pits we never could have got him ,he would have killed them it was we almost lost a pit because he hung on for the ride even with a 8 inch cut down his belly ,and a golf ball size hole in his chest .
Sounds like a helluva safari!
Did you get any of it on video?
Yes ,but its not very good .the boy with the video camera was scared ,he got some of the hog and dogs ,some of the water and some of the trees .he had the camera in all directions .and was about 50 feet away on part of it .
Sorry the dog got hurt do u ever use the armor on the dogs on the hunt.
Yes ,but the vest don't help on the belly or the back legs .
Congrats on the hog. Did you guys knife the pig to bring it down?
Yes ,knife hunt is the way to go ,what a rush,that is when you really depend on a good catch dog.
If anybody wants to go on a hog hunt ,get with me it's only $100 per man .no matter how many hogs we can even try one of your dogs .the hunt makes some good pics and video's as long as you got a good man on the vid