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Thread: Sodium Chlorite

  1. #1

    Sodium Chlorite

    A friend of mine who visits an acupuncture and chiropractic Dr. was diagnosed with cancer. I won't get into all the details, but my friend did go get a full blood work up and determined the Dr. was correct in his/her diagnosis. The Dr. (Chiro) then recommended several vitamins and herbs as well as Sodium Chlorite drops. My friend chose to take those supplements and a year or so later after another blood work up and no pain in the specific area, this person claims to be cured.

    This got me to thinking and searching. I had a few bitches come down with Pyometra. I found one website that claims this particular person used Ox-E drops (sodium chlorite 5% and reverse osmosis water solution) to treat and cure the pyo, without ab's. By giving orally as well as douching the bitch with a solution made with the drops.

    Then I ran across a Dr. Humble who claims Sodium Chlorite when mixed with an acid such as vinegar or orange juice can cure a plethora of diseases.

    I've also read where oxygen can disrupt free radicals and can cause premature aging.

    While the claims sound good, there are also many websites that claim this is a scam.

    Any thoughts or input?

  2. #2
    My first question since I worked a good while part time with a Herbalist. What is the difference in Sodium Chlorite and Sodium Chloride ? If no difference raising the level of Sodium Chloride to 27 % concentrate might affect a person with high blood pressure. I see where the dosage is only used in small amounts. Could be caustic in larger amounts.

    All salts are not the same. Natural Sea Salt made by the Hanes company or the more mineral pink salts will not bother my blood pressure. Since they appear to be saltier tasting due to more minerals etc. and you use far less. Regular salt bought off the grocery store shelves is man made with some claiming to have ground up glass. That can over time damage the arteries and veins.

    Bolts Red Mill natural baking soda is a fine product. Take one teaspoon with full glass of water or combined with one teaspoon of L-Glutamine will give one a good night's sleep and reduce body pain and help PH the blood.

    Overtime I found that only a small number of reputable companies was out there. That made excellent herbal products. Two being the Now Company and Natures Sunshine Company. Nature's Sunshine has about priced themselves out of the market. They have the best of the Chinese Herbal formulas.

    Some years back I started losing sleep due to hearing someone turning my door knobs, pushing on doors etc. Could not do a MRI. Happen to tell this to my Chiropractor one day. He said you have a trace mineral deficiency. I bought some from my store. After a few days problem went away. Could do the MRI scans. People suffering from some sort of repetitive phobia should add trace minerals to diet. Braggs Seasonings with Kelp used daily can solve most Thyroid problems.

    This may be a good product but need to research real well. Most of those cure all are scams. My R.A. pain got so bad went on strong pain med. Was able to quit totally after going on Noni Juice sold by the Now company.

    One thing one needs to learn is the info given in those Eat Right for Your Blood Type book written by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. All food types and Herbs are not right for everyone due to different blood types. His book written for the Diabetic or Cancer are excellent books. All four blood types are listed with all info. for each. Lastly learning how to properly muscle test someone or self helps in buying right products. Cheers

  3. #3
    CYJ, the difference is Oxygen. And the PH levels being effected is exactly why I wanted feed back from other thinking individuals especially on the subject of Pyometra.

    This Dr. Humble, who could be a QUAK claims he cured malaria with the solution I mentioned mixed with a citric acid. That's a pretty bold claim, and if it's true, it could also treat babesia, wouldn't that be something.

  4. #4
    I know herbs work real well on animals and younger basically healthy persons. Children are taken to the Doctor to much and given antibiotics for basic problems good herbals could fix. If you see how the Chinese do herbs. They give the person much larger amounts. We have ours ground up in little gelatin capsules which may not be enough of the herb.

    You have nothing to lose trying a different approach. Many cures are discovered by accident. Fungus many times is the major problem instead of bacteria or virus. Med. Doctors are given little training on Fungus studies. One of the greatest antifungals that requires no liver test is NyStatin. Yet most Doctors today will not use it and push a drug called Lamasil that requires a blood liver test. Since it can damage the liver. Cheers

  5. #5
    If your dog is not on a raw diet try that. Try a three day or more treatment of NyStatin to rule out any fungal connection. V. Jackson's Pepper bitch developed a fungal problem and it could be seen on her foot pads. This bitch also came down with that Pyometra problem and finally died. We had no knowledge of such things back then only what the Vet told us.

    Beaufort S.C. is in the lowlands and was a swampy part of S.C. Seems every little blood sucker lived there and humidity moisture levels stayed high. Was a parasite something called a sand flea. Certain times of season they could get worse. Remember visiting his dog yard at certain times in the Summer. Your scalp would start burning like it was on fire from those minute size fleas biting you. LOL

  6. #6
    CYJ, I can see fungus being and issue. Definitely something to think about and I'll look into that Nystatin, ty!

    Glad I don't have to deal with those fleas!

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