S.T.P.'s Little Margie is listed twice under pedigree statistics because of the way STP was spelled. Just thought id let ya know Jack in case you didn't catch it.
Fellows I have the problem cleared up. You now have S.T.P.'s Little Margie only listed one time in the system with all off spring attached that I know of. Could be other's on the on line pedigree site.
I brought over all of Tar Heel Matt's pedigrees that I could. I let him know so he could go back and check for any errors. I used what was shown on the on lines pedigree site.
When any of you find a dog listed more than one time (Duplicate), send me a p.m. Will try to fix if I can and if you have a dog pedigree your self and can correct go ahead.
The only ones I have had any problem with is the ones that have duplicate pedigrees with same pictures attached. I go ahead and move all off spring to best over all choice with correct spelling, info, etc. Then let Jack know which dog ped. id pedigree to remove from system.
You will notice a lot of Garner dogs duplicate are gone along with Mims' Sorrells, Rick Sorrells, and many others. Recently got rid of all the duplicates of J. Crenshaw's Hunter Red. He is listed only once. Not been doing much lately as you will get burned out on some of the dog breeders with so many duplicate dogs and wrong spelling etc.
Make sure you write down any Narrative info before moving dogs. Unless it is already on the one you are moving all siblings to. Also on some dogs I shorten long double use of names like Garner and So & So. Looked who owned the dog and went with that main name. Still listed the original name or names in the Narrative. To prevent any confusion if one wanted to go back to the on lines pedigree site to do a search. Cheers
CYJ, I can't thank you enough for your contributions here. Seriously, thank you
Thanks Jack and all the members. Just want to be of some help. If I goof on something let me know. Will go back and correct. Cheers
I know nothing about the Sea Train bitch, except she is a very well bred bitch or the S.T.P.'s Margie bitch. The other three grandparents of Panther were very good dogs. Lonzo Pratt's Mike was a Ace Pit dog and Lonzo's pride and joy. Zebo's fame speaks for itself. The Thistle Bitch was game tested to the max.
The rest Matt can fill in with much better info. He knew Lonzo and his dogs real well. Have not been able to reach him by phone or P.M.s . Hope all is well with him and family.
Sinful sister was bred by Morlocke Kennels when they took their bitch up to Wendell Stewarts' place in PA. Evo II was a GREAT dog, fast as lightning. He could catch jack rabbits in an open field. Now, onto Sinful Sister. She was matched, sold, matched, matched, sold, matched, sold, etc. She was such a killing machine, no one trusted her gameness. Her mouth was unheard of. Joe Box conditioned and handled Sinful Sister being as she was a VICIOUS manbiter and didn't like anyone, but Joe. She DID in fact lose two shows. BUT.....
The first loss was a "Scratch to win" situation, as the boys were propping their lifeless bitch in the corner. Sister took a step out and went to scratch into the ref because of her human aggressive behavior. Joe made the handle on her, so the ref didn't get nailed and the she never came across. That was her first loss, because she wouldn't "Scratch to Win" into what ended up being a "dead dog". The second loss was another "Scratch to win" situation and the same thing happened again, she seen the mutt was done and she went into the ref to get some more. Joe made the handle, scratch never completed, she lost again.
Her 8th, 9th, 10th shows were all done for HUGE money. I mean, these boys were putting up deeds to properties, $80-100k on her. They were BIG TIME gamblers. She was confiscated during the raid in Ohio in the mid-2000's. That would've been her 10th show.
She was only ever bred to Steve Luniewski's Buck. Steve was known for having the best working Zebo dogs on earth while he was into the dogs. Joe Boxster did the breeding, mainly to preserve the quality working Zebo bloodline.
We know quite a bit about the Wendell Stewart "Evo" bred dogs, being as we probably had the majority of them in the US for a long time. When Wendell sent "Evo" out to KAG in the Northwest, we were able to acquire quite a few of them. Fast, Straight forward, Little dogs with above average mouths. Our percentages were very good. Of the 11 we had over the years, 7 were good dogs worthy of being fed. We did have a high percentage of manbiters though. That trait was, ultimately, the reason we quit running the line.
Last edited by ToTheDogs; 11-04-2013 at 09:32 AM. Reason: To add more to the post.
We know, for a fact, she was taken raid, because the man who conditioned her, saw it with his own eyes. Sister was sold, several times, so who knows. Steve Luniewski culled his entire yard when he got out of the dogs, except for a couple. He gave a couple to Boxster and a couple to lady in Georgia. He didn't think people could keep his line as true as he did. Yes, dishonest people made Steve quit the dogs. As far as we know, Steve had the last GOOD working Zebo dogs in the US. Everything else is watered down. Evo died years ago, we don't know the location of Evo II or if he's alive. We lost contact with that line in the mid-2000's. Sorry my friend.