Originally Posted by
WOw you are one piece of work NQK your come on hear and call me a lair, i go out of my way to contact a member CYJ
who i didnt know at all ,but who seemed to be a knowledgeable and reasonable man by his posts , and who had made comments that he knew mayfeild and jackson , so thought if he heard the tapes he could confirm it as he did , and infact the first thing cyj said to me was (thats mayfields voice alright) and infact i am going to play him the audio
of maloney and others , and i would even call you to play it over the phone, but as you wouldnt belive it anyway as your
shitty appolgy showed, you can take it and stick where the sun dont shine .
AS for me wanting to prove people as dishonest, well to answer your question, NQK
this thread is about disputed peidgreews, i wonder if you even bothered to look at the psots which do have some good points , form various people ,and maybe its just me, but i wonder if you would be saying that if you had an interest in a line or the breed as you should being you call yourself a breeder , wouldnt you like to know how arguably the seocnd most important line of modern times was really bred ? or only if it meant being able to disagree with me i wonder.
Nqk i have no doubt seeing how you with no reason and certainly no evidence called me a lair and said i didnt have the tapes, and your caling me obbsesed by wanting to asking questions about how some famous dogs might or might not have been bred ? you are a piece of work and i would gladly call you and play you some audio and then tell you to take a hike .
By the way i agree with you that many of the men we talk about have not lead the msot saintly of lives ,and as such just
blindly taking anyones word is stupid, but you see the audios which don recodred are his conversations with other men talking also so we have the words of more than one man , so that always helps when weighing up any theorys any of us may have , but there are some people who are dishonest in one way but wouldnt be dishonest about something else, and theirs many examples of that, im sure we all know or have a friend who might in one way have negative points but we like
them , but as we know them we can make exceptions for that side of them, and the same goes im sure for every damn one of us.
Now NQK you can choose to be the lesser man and to make me such an appology shows what a little man you really are , but if thats the level of man you are then you are no sportsman , even two fighters shake hands win or lose, and to be honest i dont dislike you i never have , its you who decided you disliked me since i told you something you didnt like hearing about, and i was actually trying to help you , but thats your loss not mine, and ever since all you do is try to put me down and even accused me of lying with no good reason , so before you go calling anyone a lair or obbssed take a good look at yourself NQK and if you have any decency you will give me an honest appology not that shamefull sarcastic one you posted , that was a disgracefull thing to do but as i am a bigger man than you merry chrsitmas all the same .