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Thread: Dogs being stolen

  1. #21

    Re: Dogs being stolen

    Jack said it best. Even though you neglected that perfect opportunity, you still know exactly where he is and exactly who has him.... getting him back should be the easiest thing in the world. I know that if someone had stolen my dog, and I had the supreme luck of finding my dog again, he would be coming home with me - one way or another.

    Another thing to consider, if this guy didn't buy him off of a thief and actually stole the dog himself, you can look forward to having more stolen after letting it ride like this.

  2. #22

    Re: Dogs being stolen

    Good News. I ended up getting my dog back,
    The snatcher ended up calling me up and returning the dog and i gave him $200

  3. #23

    Re: Dogs being stolen

    It's a cold world... smh The nerve of some people

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