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Thread: new line

  1. #1

    new line

    in 3 years i'm going to be starting a line of dogs. i've noticed that not too many people talk about burns dogs anymore. well i have some pure burns dogs and some that are crossed out with some raw hide dogs. they are some good all around dogs. give me some time and i think they will be something to talk about in the future.Name:  lilmighty.jpg
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  2. #2
    In my younger days got to spend some good quality time with Mr. Burns and the rest of the Charleston dog men. I have been to some strange places in those swamps. Was very glad Mr. Burns/Tant/Braddock/Bo Harris knew the way back out. LOL

    Mr. Burns was up in age when he got into some good dogs with the Jocko/Red boy/ Yellow John dogs. Mr. Burns was fun to be around and kept you laughing. He and R. Braddock were always back and forth at each other but were fast friends. LOL Mr. Burns liked the Game Chickens also. Very nice looking dogs, sure they can get er done. Cheers

  3. #3
    In case you fellow's have ever wondered what the V. Jackson's Hank dog looked like. Just pull up the picture/pedigree of GR CH Havana Boy's Rodney on this site. The Jackson's Hank dog was built like this dog with a very similar head type. The only difference between the two dogs was be; that the Hank dog had a deeper more fuller chest depth wise.

    I have seen a picture of a dog listed on another site with V. Jackson's Hank dog's pedigree. That is not a picture of the Jackson's Hank dog. May be Jocko or one of Tant/Chavis/Burns dogs. Vernon for as I know does not have any pictures of ole Hank. The only way V. Jackson's Hank can hurt a pedigree is not be in it. Cheers

  4. #4
    i never had a chance to meet him. i was going to buy some dogs off of big head years ago, kind of glad i didnt. these stumpy bred hounds are alot better than i expected. i run hounds from the deacon and purchase these hounds to get me through til my pups out of the deacon stuff were of age but im really loving these burns dogs. they dont have mike tyson behind them but they are roy jones. im not a big jeep fan but this rawhide/cottingham cross worked real good with it. im about ready to throw my eggs in that basket

  5. #5
    How are those dogs in the pictures bred?

  6. #6
    I got to see Jocko and Argo perform. Jocko got bred a lot more but I really liked the Argo dog. Argo was a very well built dog and a beautiful red color with black nose and black eyes.

    Argo was a favorite along with Jocko, with Scotty McNeil. Scotty saw Argo's last match which was a very hard pulling dog show. Both dogs looked so much a like was hard to tell who was doing who.

    This was just Scotty's opinion since I was not there to judge for myself. He told me he felt the old warrior was not brought in at his best condition. Was another gambling sacrifice similar to what happen to Ozzie's Homer dog. Still both dogs were great dogs and went the distance. One had to lose and one to win. Thrift's Bumper was a great pit dog in it's own right. Cheers

  7. #7

  8. #8
    If you going in that direction. Look at the Woodal's Weird Jack dog or a good male off him. Some very well made up dogs like you already have. If they are good game dogs.

    I am not in the know about all these newer blood lines. But to be a good performer they need to be built to perform. Need deep lungs, strong back end and a strong neck. One can try to be game, but when muscle exhaustion and muscle weakness sets in. May not be long before the Fat Lady sings. LOL Cheers

  9. #9
    We have some Lk x Burns stumpy crosses walking around.. just google pedigree limey kennels Red Bull and his ofspring.
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  10. #10
    I'm really interested in that Burns stuff you got there especially the stuff crossed with the Jeep stuff in it. Where is all the old Burns & Crews blood at?

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