When you did the AI on sassy what days in the heat did you do it?
When you did the AI on sassy what days in the heat did you do it?
I would guess they did a progesterone test to know the exact day of ovulation, which can vary.
Is keeping up with the days, the Tess tape and bitch flagging her outer female organ not a sure enough sign? I know new things have come out on the market. I called it tess or test tape and was yellow in color. Was used on humans to test the PH of the urine and the body. When bitch was supposed to be good and ready the tape turned a dark green color.
Stuck a piece of the tape in the Bitch's fluid to look for the best time to breed. The only time a Mare shot was used. Was on a Bitch that had never or had not came back in heat for a good while. Knew a dog man who grew impatient because his bitch was a little late coming back in heat. Gave her that Mare shot and she never came back in heat till a year or so later.
Sometimes those Hormone shots can cause more problems than they help. Cheers
Its fairly simple to get a long swab and a slide with some dye and check your bitch yourself. I know this is off topic and you asked a specific person a specific question but since id like to share here i go LOL...
Sorry about the bad pics... i think youll get the point though. These were taken from a bitch we had we were doing ai on. We took a swab from her canal to analyze her cells. When they become cornified(like they got corners on them) is when her eggs begin to drop. She will be fertile after that for a few days (ive read 3-10 days).
Here is a diagram u can follow...
This is her on day 1.... notice no cornified cells
This is what the cells should look like when she begins to drop eggs... this was day 7. Although the bitches prime days seemed the be around 10. You can see the cells are cornified
Thanks for all the good info and those pictures are awesome appriciate it
Creek Bottom
That was just a link i found real quick. The pictures i took with a cell phone through a scope lol.
Any collegiate level scope is fine. Ours is a 5x, 10x, 15x, and 20x i believe with a 10x ocular piece.... Supplies youll need is a long q tip you can get at a pharmacy, a slide, cover slip, methelyne blue dye($3 a bottle itll last forever), some water and a paper towel.... I believe these shots were taken at 200x power? thats 10x occular piece and a 20x magnification.
I did a scrape smeared the slide, appliked 1 large drop of water enough to leach just outside the cover slip... applied the dye right next to the cover clip... and then used a paper towel to pull the dye under the slide.... the idea is to evenly distribute the dye under the slide and wicking it though is an easy solution. There are lots of youtube videos on how to dye slides.