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Thread: Registries

  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Pit Bull Committed View Post
    Well said Jack! You've given enough free info already in my opinion. I bought most of your DVD collections and boy was I pissed to find out that most of your videos are free on YouTube and they are all free on your website here once subscribed. I wasn't pissed off that I had to pay for mine...Honestly they were worth more than what I paid for them...just pissed off that you made it free to everyone who subscribed. I don't see any better deal than this! People just need to be more supportive and appreciate the things others do for them to make their life easier.
    And the cool thing is, this database will only grow ... and grow ... and get bigger and better.

    All organized and chronicled ... inch by inch ... until it will really be amazing.

    Organization is the key, and it's hard to stay on top of everything, but I am trying


  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    In answer to your rhetorical question, no. This database requires a colossal effort on my part ... to create, to maintain, to keep building upon ... and I do not work this hard for free. No one does.

    I am curious, why is "free" so important to you anyway? Are you broke? You can't afford to pay $30 again or something?

    For your information, I have given away "free" help and advice online since 1996 ... and I have busted my ass writing so many helpful posts and articles over the years that there is no way to account for it all. During this time, I am curious as to WTF have YOU done for this breed? Really, what do YOU do besides bitch and moan?

    Why don't YOU undertake a colossal effort like this one ... or start your OWN registration body "for free"? Answer me that, Sherlock. Because if you ever decide to grow a backbone, and actually DO SOMETHING positive for this breed, instead of sit there and fantasize about it, you will quickly find out what a stupid idea yours is that efforts like this be "for free."

    As a a matter of fact, I noticed that you have been here since December of 2012 and yet you have only made 31 posts as of this writing.
    A quick check through whatever few posts you've made shows that not a single one has been instructional, or helpful, in any way. That tells me a lot about who you really are
    Most of your posts have been bitching and moaning (are we surprised to learn?) about money. First it was Limey's stud fees, then it's about registration bodies, and now it's about me charging for this database.

    You really are sounding like a penny-pinching crybaby pal ... and, quite frankly, your ideas are ridiculous.
    FACE THIS FACT: The ADBA has done more for this breed than you ever will in your life ... and, for that matter, so have I.

    It is easy to bitch and moan. It is easy to criticize the work of others, while you sit on your own ass and fail to do a single GD thing for this breed yourself.

    So my suggestion to you is to get up off your own ass, and "be the change you want in the world," and stop talking about it.
    Go ahead and create a "free" registry with your own time, your own money, and your own colossal advertising efforts ... or sit down and shut tf up. Because I guarantee you will cur and quit in less than one year ... if you ever get the spine to do something about it ... meanwhile the ADBA has been going strong for DECADES. And I guaranf***entee you, you will NEVER (out of your own time, your own talents, and your own efforts) EVER come close to doing what I have done to help put out helpful info for the breed.

    You can start doing something positive for this breed by not crying so much about what others do (or don't do) and instead try to BE this perfect, selfless, "spend all the hours of your waking life working for these dogs ... and give it all away for free" dogman you keep fantasizing about.

    Damn....that was so well done I feel like I got MY ass chewed out.

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