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Thread: Man flees and bulldogs burn

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Pretty sad... Notice how the comments left are all against him except for one that says he "rescued" those dogs. But 16 bulldogs kept in a garage would have been in crates 24/7 and that is not much of a life for any dog.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  3. #3
    They have no evidence to substantiate this guy was fighting dogs. While it is sad they burned, it is pathetic they use these so called fighting dogs to sell news stories.

    These days the media, H$U$ and a lot of these so called rescues are betting more on dogs fights than any dog fighter, and more money to. Why else would they offer up such large cash rewards? Fighting dogs are big money, kind of like the war on drugs. SMH


  4. #4
    Those poor dogs had no chance ... not in life and not in death.

    Fucking horrific. What a piece of shit.

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