experience is not the point here...and i wont come here and star talking about my pit experience, that is more stupid. i have seen dogs working in the mud without so much drama. At the end you wash the dog and thats it, give him the necessary aftercare and no big deal. hunting dogs dosnt go to a carpet field to catch a wild board, they fill in mud without any problem. Of course that there are more possibility that a wound would infecct in dirt than in carpet (a clean carpet and anyway infection posibility is everywhere) but i think at the end isnt it a judgment that if i roll a dog in the dirt he will get inffectted and die. I just want to know the reasson for use carpet and dont think the infected wound is the only and big reasson..there are more dogs dead everyday because poor aftercare than because the dirt and about the traction i dont think there is more traccion than earth...i dont see how a carpet would give more traccion than earth.
In fact a ray can kill a dog too.