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Thread: Curled tail

  1. #21
    Senior Member ToTheDogs's Avatar
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    Longer coats could be from their environment. In colder climate, dogs will acclimate to their environment and may get a thicker coat. We have seen it with dogs from the Northwest.

  2. #22
    Clemmon's Brendy had the thick curly tail. Possible trait from the Boudreaux side of the dogs. Every now and then you might get a screw tail from any blood line.

  3. #23
    If I had a fuckin dollar for every sign that made a dog a cur I'd be richer than bill gates, some people you've just gotta hang up the damn phone on. Or if they're right in front of you just look at them for a couple seconds.

  4. #24
    as long as that tail doesn't drop no worries here .

  5. #25
    Junior Member captain's Avatar
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    Carolina Mountains
    I have a Wildside with a gay tail. She is only about 2 years old. I know the ADBA judges dont mind the tail in conformation. She has won a few first places and a couple seconds showing.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-05-06_12-47-54_322.jpg 
Views:	64 
Size:	275.1 KB 
ID:	408  

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Bulldog country
    I had a litter of 3 pups last year all three of there tails curl espically this gyp hers will do a full circle. I still haven't gotten youst to looking across the yard watching the hounds and seeing this. I have heard of dogs having curved but never owned one myself i guess it is what it is.

  7. #27
    Is this greek writing at the top of the photo?

  8. #28
    Junior Member captain's Avatar
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    Carolina Mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by tasoschatz View Post
    Is this greek writing at the top of the photo?
    It looks that way..hahaha

  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2012
    Bulldog country
    Looks like a bit of a mix of different text my photo shop just shows them as special characters, never knew they would be so amusing.

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