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Thread: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day (NDFAD) April 8th, 2014

  1. #11

    50 some odd minutes I'll never get back. The panel of experts included:

    - Dr. Randall Lockwood, Senior Vice President for Anti-Cruelty Initiatives and Legislative Services for the ASPCA. Randall is also author of Forensic Investigation of Animal Cruelty: A Guide for Veterinary and Law Enforcement Professionals

    - Pamela Reid Ph.D. in Psychology with a specialization in animal learning and behavior from the University of Toronto.

    - Jessica Johnson is the Grassroots Advocacy Manager for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/Lobbying organizer and Government relations
    *Helped apply the spectator language (Felony) to the Farm Bill that passed in Jan. 2014

    - Joel Schwartz senior director of executive communications at ASPCA

    - Tim Rickey Vice President of the ASPCA's Field Investigations & Response (FIR) Team

    TIM RICKEY: My vision when I joined the ASPCA [in January 2010] was to create a national blood sports program. That's an issue I've cared about for many, many years. With the Missouri dogfighting case, it became clear that it was a very prevalent problem not only in Missouri, but nationwide.
    Nothing short of the exaggerated, sensationalized lies mixed with half truths that we are used to from the AR groups.

  2. #12
    During the video Tim Rickey says " Often times puppies have to be taken from their mothers because they are to aggressive to mother their young" he also says " dogs typically are being taken off their chains and tried as early as 6 months of age. They test them for gameness and condition them to fight"

    He goes on to say that indicators of a dog fighter are dogs chained and separated.

  3. #13
    It's sad that will all the horrible things going people focus on this.Not to far from where I live a 6 yr old boy has been missing since September DSS dropped the ball mom & step dad won't say what they did with him , that's cruelty and people care more about dogs. Fucking Shame propaganda video the world is ass backwards. Yis Ole Man

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