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I have to say I am one that asks questions and have learn from quite a few. My mentoring was more ask the questions of good Dogmen they know you know the answer to and take from there experience. Just cause I was TOLD the answer before wasn't satisfying. I want to know why I'm doing something, when does this apply, what should I look for, how do I apply it, and where can I research the info you gave me. One thing I can say a good mentor will make you self sufficient. I'm thankful to some good and not so good characters for sharing their experiences with me. More then anything mentor and protégé have to be dedicated and understand without direction anything can be expected. You want someone mentoring you that has been there and can guide you the direction your passion takes you. It can be stressful as is and the times I don't enjoy and how I bounce back as someone still learning reflect the most of my character as a dog man to me. Steely you gave up a lot and with that said you are in a better position than most started with. Frosty I got to give it to you you have pushed me myself plenty of times to think for years and still pushing me to get better. Sometimes the game itself and just going get the experience is your best mentor when no one is there to be hands on. My will to be better and to honestly look over my yard and say I honestly built this barnone is what drives me. You have to be dedicated and driven to some degree to be mentored by anybody. No use mentoring someone who's never going to use it. Mentors get discouraged too cause they get so many hang around till I get in and get a dog to peddle types that they shut out plenty. It all depend on both individuals overall. As another good dog man told me it takes a certain type of person to be a dog man. Not many have it. The heart or drive to simply do what it takes let alone be game themselves for the long haul.