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With respect to everyones methods, of conditioning, I have used many, but my fastest results came using modified techniques, similar to Lemms. Hence the term modified for i have never owned a Lemm mill. Lemm does talk about hand walking a hound that isn't able to complete a certain work sessions, therefore the session time is complimented by hand walking. Game, root word of gambling, comes with many variables, unfortunately nothing is absolute or guaranteed, selection and assessment of the hound or hounds to be used is of the most importance. Maximum stress, is simply that, resistance, cardio, or other wise , the Lemm keep is very simple; hand walking, treadmill, jenny(he did speak of a jenny), 10 speed; good nutrition and rest are the most important components. If the hound isn't naturally strong your not going to improve his strength that much, the muscles may develop and look
better, but that does not mean that he is that much stronger. Over working is always a grave mistake. Barber