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Thread: Looking for reg. Male gamebred dog weighing from 25 to 30 pounds

  1. #21
    That's what I figured, no luck on my end with those unusually tiny ones turning out much less being without defect. Cute feller though!

  2. #22
    Back in the old days some of the best dogs I had a fought were little dogs. Randy Fox

  3. #23
    Fast and furious.. Exciting shows. Like bantam weight boxing

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxman View Post
    Back in the old days some of the best dogs I had a fought were little dogs. Randy Fox
    Barring genetic defects, little dogs are the most exciting dogs to watch typically. No there isn't the sense of raw power like one gets when they watch the heavyweights, but the speed, athleticism, and moves are without compare.

    It's pretty much the same thing with humans: there's raw power at the heavyweights, but the speed, timing, reflexes, etc. are in the lighter weight classes typically.

    Not to mention the most athletic human beings are gymnasts, and you don't see too many 6' 3", 250-lb gymnasts. Men this big are powerful, and may have good moves "for their size," but they would never make it as gymnasts.

    The same is true for very large dogs: a very few might be athletic "for their size," but they are just not going to have the moves of the best 30 - 40 pound dogs.

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