Originally Posted by
I bought my 1st hound in 1989 from James Edwards(the owner of Gr.Ch Mollybee). Dog owners had a lot of class and respect back then for the hounds.
If they had class and respect back then, then how did Mr. Edwards' great dog get stolen?
How did Eli and Art get stolen? Or how about Bolio?
Stratton painted a rosy picture of dogmen ... when the truth is most dogmen are not found at the polo grounds ... they're found in pool halls, the woods, and the inner city.
Not all, but most.
Originally Posted by
There are no respect and no class for the hounds today. Here lately I have seen alot of crazy %$@&. I don't understand how can some people breed 2 scattered bred hard mouth curs together and call it a game dog breeding.
There is no respect today period. Too many people. Overpopulation = too many ill-bred humans.
Originally Posted by
I don't understand how can some people breed 2 scattered bred hard mouth curs together and call it a game dog breeding.
Do you think that people only breed scatterbred dogs today?
There have been lousy, scatter-breedings as long as there are dummies with dogs.
I know an old-timer who's been in since the 60s and that is all he's ever done is lousy scatterbreedings.
Almost every great dog he's owned he bought at pitside ... because he never could breed them at home.
Originally Posted by
How is a cur consider a game dog or brood stock?
I don't know anyone who considers curs "game" ... but I know that people have been breeding to well-bred, high-ability curs for decades.
How did Bo get bred if no old-timers bred curs?
How about Boudreaux' foundation dogs that stood the line, and he took them home and bred them?
How about Crenshaw and Rascal?
Do you even know your history?
And, perhaps more poignantly, why do you care so much about what other people do?
Originally Posted by
People need to get the real meaning of a game dog.
Most people don't "get" anything, which is why most people come and go in life without ever mattering.
What is the real meaning of a game dog to you?
Originally Posted by
How do a so call real dog man take a perfect bred hounds with great parents changes the pedigree on the hound? I just don't understand that. I seen people change papers on a known curs and then put the curs on fb and other sites for sale or for stud.
For one thing, people have been hanging papers since the beginning.
For another, the majority of people are stupid. It could be effectively argued that worrying about stupid dogmen is just as stupid as what the stupid dogmen are doing
Simply pick & choose to associate with intelligent dogmen ... they're out there.
Originally Posted by
Why do you want a name for breeding and selling curs? Why people ruin 6 months old pups on grown 3yrs old hogs. Why do people use old hounds to hunt with? IMO any hounds over 6, 7 years old hounds are consider brood stock. SMDH This is just my opinion
I feel you.
I wrote The Pit Bull Bible to help people NOT make stupid moves ... and yet most continue to make them anyway.
Only a rare few actually care, actually listen, and actually strive to continuously improve ...
You can only do your own personal best, help people who want to listen, and (as your post concludes) "shake your damned head" at the rest
The bottom line is Stupidity is Forever ... there is no curing it
Green dogmen, with some brains, will listen to successful folks, adjust, discover their own truths, adjust, and will go on to forever improving themselves.
Green dogmen, who are stupid, will continue to think, say, and do stupid things forever
PS: Let's all pray now:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."