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Thread: What did the lightner dogs and Colby dogs help produce?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey View Post
    Tombstone bolio dogs
    How would I compare my Tombstone/Bolio dogs to Evo's?

    I have never seen any of Evo's dogs go, let alone enough to form an opinion, but their win record speaks for itself, as does mine.

    It's not like the Waccamaw dogs, where I have personally seen several of those dogs go, and MOST were utter pieces of shit, with one (at best) average plug "with mouth" ...

    So I don't have any experience actually seeing Evo's dogs go.

    Genetically, Evo has RBJ dogs in all his dogs, whereas mine are more pure Bolio/Carver.

    I actually admire Evo's bloodline and longstanding adherence to his preferred breeding combinations.

    Realistically, all egos aside, at even weight, there are some of his dogs that would whip some of mine, and some of my dogs that would whip some of his.

    Historically-speaking, there has never been a bloodline that has whipped more individuals of my line than mine has whipped individuals of that line, if they've faced-off 3 or more times. Never.

    There are a few lines that have broken even, but the fact is most have lost every time (or most of the time) they've faced mine.

    The closest thing, genetically, to Evo's dogs that mine have faced would be dogs from CML. There have been 3 Vise-Grip dogs that have faced 3 CML dogs, with the results being 2 VG wins, 1 CML win.

    One of CML's dogs lost game (his personally), the other quit (owned by Openhouse).

    Meanwhile my dogs won 2 out of 3. The 1 VG dog that lost (a son of Diamond Girl named Full Force Combine's Broad Axe) was matched with zero experience into Openhous'e Ch Waycan, who was going for #4. It went :53, I believe, and Broad Axe was picked up exceptionally game, and Waycan couldn't be matched again.

    The other two times my dogs won.
    Eloheem beat CML directly, I think, but CML's dog was extremely game also (I don't remember how either was bred).
    The other time, we faced Openhouse again, and his Tito Trinidad was much bigger, but still quit in :52 to my Ch Vengence.

    The "Overall" Record of my dogs versus CML's RBJ/BT dogs?

    Regarding straight wins?
    My dogs won 67% of the time.
    Those dogs won 33% of the time.

    Regarding winning OR losing game?
    My dogs had a 100% "win or lose game" quotient (0% quit).
    Those dogs had a 67% "win or lose game" quotient (33% quit).

    So, although Evo's are bred similarly to CML's, I can't say for sure how mine would do against his, but I am sure it would depend on the dogs used ...


  2. #22
    I didn't ask you about waccamaw ! I was simply curious what you thought about evolutions dogs .i have heard many people say evolution hands down ,as far as the waccamaw dogs go not long ago you said they had some of the best redboy jocko dogs .Evolution said WAC had good solid dogs .

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey View Post
    I didn't ask you about waccamaw ! I was simply curious what you thought about evolutions dogs .i have heard many people say evolution hands down ,as far as the waccamaw dogs go not long ago you said they had some of the best redboy jocko dogs .Evolution said WAC had good solid dogs .
    Sonny, I know this is you, which is why I mentioned Wac's dogs ...

    You're trying to stir the pot (once again), wearing a fake hat (Smokey), even though you've already been banned. So, after this post, I will ban you again (as Smokey this time ).

    I am pissed off at Evo too, because he always tries to sneak in his fukking ads into the General Section, and he is banned for 30 days for not listening to my instructions.

    However, I have 100x more respect for Evo as a breeder than you, as his dogs are legitimately good and beat legitimate opponents ... unlike yours.

    As far as all these "many people" saying ANYONE's dogs can beat mine "hands down," I have bred more winners than all of these nameless dumbasses put together.
    Nobody's opinion means anything to me, as they don't have my win record, nor anything close to my percentages.

    Regarding your question, I have already given my best, honest answer: the closest line to Evo's my dogs have faced 3x or more, to get a feel for what would happen, would be CML"s dogs, which are 1-2 against mine, while mine are 2-1 against them.

    That is my best guess, but ultimately it means nothing.

    If we put 10 of my best dogs together, against any line under the sun, I am quite confident mine would win more than 5 of them.

    As things stand, over the last 24 years, mine have won 87% of the time overall. That is all I can tell you pal ... and now you will be banned again.


    PS: I have a PM from Evo about what he thinks of your dogs, Sonny ... and remember, he is feeding one of mine, not one of yours

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