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Thread: Performance enhancers that are claimed to be a rub.

  1. #11
    Agreed, it has been repeated to us that a rub was used. Simply not true, the playing fields were level as both used the same thing.

    The better dog won that night plain and simple.


  2. #12
    Why would somebody bother to use Finaplex and DMSO on a dog?

    I have heard of it being done before, but what specifically is the purpose of this, if not as a rub?

    It is certainly not a natural thing to do ...

    Whether it "works" or not is another issue, but was is its intended purpose?

  3. #13
    Trenbolone if used properly will give a definite performance enhancement. The basis of its use was for feed efficiency in cattle and also give serious gains in strength. If your bulldog recovers faster and more adequately absorbs his nutritional intake its going to give you an advantage in conditioning. Remember the question was an injectable steroid. Finaplex is in a pellet form and has glues and emulsifiers to get it to that state. The DSMO was supposedly used to help introduce it into the hounds system but was actually a poor mans fix becuase didn't have the knowledge to extract the Trenbolone out it.

  4. #14
    Is a side effect of trenbolone not high cholesterol and a shortness of breath (tren cough)? I always considered trenbolone pure poison, good for muscle mass not for wind.

  5. #15
    The problem is the quantities used not the actual compound. Most have the belief that if a little is good more is better and that is were the problems start to show themselves. You can't use Trenbolone alone it must be stacked and in certain ratios. Trenbolone is a poor source of muscle gain but it does keep your bulldog from consuming his tissues when in a long and hard dance. That was the purpose for its use in cattle that traveled in trains to keep them from losing weight while being shipped cross country on minimal feed.

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