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Thread: Kong

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by ragedog10 View Post
    Lost a very great game grandson of Kelly's Mojo raising to a Kong toy son left it it with him over night and it was in pieces in the morning! Couldn't pass it and the $7,000 vet Bill couldn't be reached forcing us to put this very special dog down! We have a lawsuit against the toy company now! don't go by the weight on the toy all bulldogs should have the xxl one do to the jaw muscle endurance! And never allow them to have it unattended and teaching your children that they cannot leave them with any toys would help too
    better to be safe then sorry! miss you baby boy we will scratch into the greats in the sky one day!
    $7,000 vet bill???

    Where do you live??

    That should be a $600-$800 vet bill.

    You could have driven the dog to a different vet ...


  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Chalky Redhead View Post
    Any tricks to get 1 to bite on a Kong that doesn't show interest?
    Let a neighboring dog who does like it have the Kong while the uninterested dog watches.

    Or you can get the yard fired up with it by placing a rope through it and tying it off to a pole and using it like a flirt pole.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    $7,000 vet bill???

    Where do you live??

    That should be a $600-$800 vet bill.

    You could have driven the dog to a different vet ...

    Yeah in these parts if u own a bulldog your going to pay or they try to have you fix them!The vet that we always use is now up there in age 70 plus so he no longer will preform major opperations,and this other place is a major pain in the rear-end!
    Offered the grand as i thought that was fair,but was told they could take that as a down payment!!Smdh
    Didnt wanna see my buddy suffer any longer so we did what we thought was the right thing to do at the time and had him put down! The hardest thing to do ever was to put such a good one down one that was looked at thru the eyes of some greats and they have all said the same thing, you have you a bulldog there!!!
    And the Kong company is well awear of the fact that their toys kills peoples pets as they told me they get calls like this all the time! Smdh
    None the less if allowed to play with a kong toy for a few and then removed from them i think you should not have to many worries!

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