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I think intelligence has a lot to do with a dogs rearing, the more you stimulate the brain as the dog grows up the smarter the dog becomes i.e when my dogs are growing up I like to bring them into the city and walk them among the crowds of people, I feel this brings them out of there shell especially with a nervous dog, the hustle and bustle of the crowds overwhelm them and they don't have the time to panic because there's actually so much going on.
The more different situations you can put them in the more they learn. I think when it comes to "schooling" ability is ability and a lot of the time it's god given talent but a bad rearing may affect the ability to bring out the best of this ability. Potentially Good dogs can be ruined through bad rearing. A lot of guys leave a dog on a chain from 6 months to 16 months and then scratch there heads when the dog turns out to be a nervous wreck and no good.
If your putting the dog through a keep then the time for sculpting the dogs brain may have been and passed, I really believe in doing it when they're young, like 8weeks young.
Just my opinion.