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Thread: need to get temp up

  1. #1

    need to get temp up

    brief description

    twice IV per day , double anti biotic , feeding trough tubing, able to drink , unable to eat

    is reacting to antibiotics but need to get the temp up
    started tubing yesterday , lost a lot of weight , went beyond the imaginable

    just need that temp up

    tried the tub, tried the electric blanket

    any suggestions thank you

  2. #2
    If the dog cannot sustain his own temperature, I'd put a heater in room until dog makes it or not.

    Rubbing the dog to make sure he doesn't fade out ...

  3. #3
    Would NOT put him in tub, as he'll get cold when you take him out.

  4. #4
    a crate in a small room and a eletric heater. The smaller the room the better.good luck

  5. #5
    Good advice.

    Kingfish Kid said he kept his room warm enough so the dog would almost pant.

    If a dog cannot maintain its own body temperature, then the room needs to be brought up tp the temperature the dog's supposed to be. That is the whole idea behind an incubator.

    If your room is cold, and there's a draft, even with an electric blanket, the dog will still get chilly air on him.


  6. #6
    Lectro heating pad

    Before I bought these I lined the crate with Bermuda hay then covered with a flat sheet so no hay is exposed to the dog ( cleanliness). This way there's insulation between the dog and the floor. The hay will also hold body heat well. I also keep the crate covered with a flat sheet as well, and crank the heat up to the mid 80's.

    I lost one that chilled, it was my fault and I'll never forget failing my this may be overkill but it's what I do.

    Good luck to you!


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldoghistorian View Post
    brief description

    twice IV per day , double anti biotic , feeding trough tubing, able to drink , unable to eat

    is reacting to antibiotics but need to get the temp up
    started tubing yesterday , lost a lot of weight , went beyond the imaginable

    just need that temp up

    tried the tub, tried the electric blanket

    any suggestions thank you
    Make sure fluids are warm...not hot! Also warm the water the dog is drinking, if he/she will not drink it warm add some concentrated chicken stock.

  8. #8
    Good stuff S_B

  9. #9
    smaller room will do that
    just took nr3 no way I can fail him

  10. #10
    We're all pulling for him ... best of luck.

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