YES: Gameness is the essence of the breed, and dogs who show it to the extreme are deserving.
NO: The DOY title should only be about performance.
Extreme Gameness should qualify a dog for DOY status, due to the trickery. One should also add more titles so that the level of honesty is balanced as well. If not a lot of key things will continue to go unnoticed.
Split dead even at 13/13
Yeah, this guy Pit Bull Committed needs to be committed.
He speaks about breeding top quality animals "through culling" ... but I'm not sure if he's ever actually bred a top quality, Champion-defeating animal
As best as I can tell, hard-culling produces nothing ... only breeding decisions produce dogs.
No one that I know of, who actually has bred top-quality animals, culls exceptionally-game dogs.
That is the mark of an idiot/dog-butcher, but not a dogman.
I do agree that ability is certainly important, of course it's important, but dogmen treasure gameness above all else ... you don't kill exceptionally-game dogs.