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  1. #11
    Boomer was bred to Asian Girl to add air that gyp was true monster who produced her offspring ended in piss poor hands and were ruined in school or match with all types of odds against them. Panthro was what they thought the cross should produce , a long winded monster. Titere well he's just one of best there ever was. Just a little ramble lol

  2. #12
    Titere isn't a freak bc his brother was a winner who inturn produced a CH. Chico like him or not has a ch or two from sarge. Boomer threw CHS bred to his own family as well. CHS twix nd ch merengue. Jack we normally see eye to eye but the kuni statement was inaccurate also saying titere is freak is inaccurate being he's from litter of winners and his nephew is a ch. I strongly believe titere will throw chs....

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MISTER View Post
    Titere isn't a freak bc his brother was a winner who inturn produced a CH. Chico like him or not has a ch or two from sarge. Boomer threw CHS bred to his own family as well. CHS twix nd ch merengue. Jack we normally see eye to eye but the kuni statement was inaccurate also saying titere is freak is inaccurate being he's from litter of winners and his nephew is a ch. I strongly believe titere will throw chs....
    Your own statements are inaccurate here.

    I didn't call Titere a freak, I said that Redboy blood producing that caliber of a dog is a fluke.

    Redboy dogs seldom produce 7xWs at all, whereas Eli/Chinaman-type dogs do so fairly-regularly.

    I think the Eli blood behind Titere is largely responsible for his ability.

    I am sure Titere will thrown winners and Champions; I doubt very much he will throw another 7xW, DOY.

    Especially if they don't breed him much and especially bred to Redboy dogs.

    But they may prove me wrong, and that's okay too!


    PS: I heard you the first time about Kuni and glad you clarified.

  4. #14
    I see where you're coming from Jack. I'll also go out on the limb here to say if he throws another 7xw it'll happen in the hands of his owners or someone close to that circle. This is another good thread

  5. #15

  6. #16
    redboy/turtlebuster has treated me well. and so far i'd put my jeep/rb/tb hounds right up there too. seen some real nice eli/bolio stuff too, but i wont go away from what i've worked hard to put together.

  7. #17
    does anyone know if Titere or Vengence are open to stud ? If so is there a way of contacting their owners. im interested in breeding to them via frozen semen or otherwise. Even better if their sires are still alive!

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by bullyson View Post
    does anyone know if Titere or Vengence are open to stud ? If so is there a way of contacting their owners. im interested in breeding to them via frozen semen or otherwise. Even better if their sires are still alive!
    There are strews off of GrChTitere sire they are by no means cheap!!

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