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Thread: wheat germ

  1. #1

    wheat germ

    How much should u give your canine

  2. #2
    I would start with 1/2 teaspoon

  3. #3
    OK thanks so what am I looking for to see if I need to increase or stay the same and how often to give it to them

  4. #4
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Golden State
    What are you using it for? Just a source of oil? Or to increase sperm count? If the later, then id use more than a tspn, when i had a stud on the cocktail i was giving roughly 1/8th of a cup. Make sure your using pure wheat germ also.

  5. #5
    Just for a source of oil for his work out

  6. #6
    Fyeball, what increases a dog's endurance and stamina up to 75% is good quality (Animal Fat). In the proper amount and increased water intake. Using only a Vegetable source of fat, for a energy source may not work as well as a animal fat source. One of the best sources is whole Chicken meat with the added chicken fat.

    This is IMHO, Some will disagree with me, because many new dog men have their mind on giving their dogs high amounts of protein in excess. Super Duper supplements like many body builders over do.

    The reason I liked the Chicken necks and Chicken backs were three fold. First their is a lot of Chicken fat in the skin, on and around the back. Chicken fat is at the top of the Fat list source for energy, for a dog.

    Second you get plenty of good natural bone that is safer for the dog to eat than a chicken leg bone. Unless one is going to grind up the leg bone leaving no sharp pieces in it. Still not a lot of extra fat on a Chicken leg but does have more meat. Maybe instead of just the neck and back, also add a leg. I would be afraid of sharp broken pieces from a Chicken leg. Unless properly ground up.

    What was used to get enough protein and balance out the protein with more animal fat was simply one or two boiled eggs. Another product that balanced out the protein, contributed to building the blood count,increased endurance and stamina. Was Desiccated liver at one to two tablespoons per main meal. It takes four pounds of raw liver to make one pound of Desiccated liver. Then their was the Debitter Brewer's yeast at one tablespoon for good digestion and natural B vitamins.

    Anymore extra needed protein/carbs/fats was provided by a good quality kibble. The Kibble/ Greens also act as a filler and help soak up extra needed water in the main feed. A member on this site sent me some info about this dog food company that sold a supplemental fat source designed for dogs. Would look into that, just using Wheat Germ by itself may not be balanced enough.

    V. Jackson never used any wheat germ oil or Wheat Germ, not saying a little would hurt anything. If to many various supplements that a dog does not normally eat is added to the feed keep. The food will become to rich and causes the dog to work hot or have digestive problems leading into Dehydration.

    I know, because I had a body building supplement taking back ground when I was younger. I was going to make V.J.'s feed keep ten times better. Boy did I give myself a fooling, causing the loss of two, maybe three of my first matches that I might could have won. Dogs simply ran hot their whole show time. Heat and the ability for a dog to cool itself will stop one quicker than punishment. Over time I learned a dog can take a lot of cold but not a lot of heat. Cheers

  7. #7
    Great post. This is pretty much just as I learned it many years ago. It is really simple and really effective. Lots of people will change things along the way, fat to protein ratio, upping a supplement and then the dog blows hot. First thing is to blame the supplement, (B vitamins catch a lot of flack here) not the person who gave it or the amounts that were administered.

    Supplements have come a long way and the dogs have benefitted tremendously. The issue is usually the science progresses faster than the knowledge required to use them. Most information out there is based on human usage and not all that transfers to the dogs. Then it is dosage, as most supplements say "1 scoop or 2 scoops". Is that for a 180lb man or a 250lb man, and how is that calculated to a 40lb. dog?


  8. #8
    Ditto EWO, I am not one to not adapt to something new if it works better. I like the convenience of those frozen meat patty's that Ca. Jack talks about in his Pit Bull Bible. I let a young upcoming dog man have my book to help him properly progress faster in the game. If he takes time to study all the material in the book. Lots of cost saving info and short cuts in that book.

    I was wondering though, since this meat is ground up into meat patties. Is that company grinding up the bone with the meat meal as well? Good Animal meat needs the animal bone and animal fat in the mix. One reason just using raw liver might not wok as well. No natural bone meal or enough fat. I am sure if the glandular meats are ground up with the Chicken backs etc. Would definitely be the way to go. May be the way those patties are prepared by that company. Just forgot to check it out more closely. Cheers

  9. #9
    Thanks a lot great info learned a lot more then u know

  10. #10
    Fyeball, do not over look the info in Ca. Jack's book. He has a lot of good info. Another thing of importance while doing any four week pre keeps. Is learning how to properly worm your dog. When a dog starts into it's more serious keep, the dog should be worm and parasite free and remain so through the duration of that keep.

    One will never build a good solid blood count in the dog, if any parasites are present. Jack's Pit Bull Bible will cover all of that and much more. He has newer improved updated worm medicines info and how to dose them correctly.

    I have read and owned a lot of dog books/ magazines on our dogs. Jack's Book rates at the top of the heap. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 03-29-2015 at 11:52 AM.

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