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I was on Mr. Truett's yard about six or eight months ago. He showed me a old male dog that he said was one of the last living inbred dogs off that Gambler dog or Nitro. Whether this dog has been studded and got any pups, I do not know. Some dog men from the far North buy any extra pups he does not keep. Mr. Truett is up in age and in his late 80's. last year had some of his young dogs, almost two years old stolen.
Even putting fish hooks on lines and hanging them from the tree limbs on his back property. Does not slow those dog thieves down. A young crack head was sent to steal some of his dogs not to far back last year. The crack head stole his Sheep dog that was running loose in the yard. Had to take it back and try to get a bulldog. LOL What is this world coming to. LOL