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Thread: Pups born, fade and die in 24 hours

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ellis View Post
    The other bitch was around 8, I had bred her for the first time and she didn't get pregnant, instead got pyo. I used the Ceph, but after a few days I switched to Metronidazole she also never relapsed

    Would using TMZ be a bad choice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ellis View Post
    Thanks for the links SB

    I tried TMZ awhile back but had no luck slowing it down.
    You already knew the answer!

  2. #22
    The TMZ protocol did nothing for me, on another bitch, either.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by No Quarter Kennel View Post
    The TMZ protocol did nothing for me, on another bitch, either.
    Info you may find helpful:

  4. #24
    No antibiotic will work if the particular bacteria present in the animal is resistant to it.

    We typically select those antibiotics known to "have an affect" on X types of organism.

    TMZ is the #1 choice for breast abscesses, that and Clavamox.

    TMZ's highest concentration is in breast tissue.

    TMZ typically covers "most known pathogens" that infect breast tissue.

    However, if the particular pathogen in your bitch falls outside of what TMZ will get (and/or if you've mis-used, mis-dosed, didn't give often enough, long enough, or have over-used TMZ to the point that bacteria has built resistance to TMZ), then the TMZ will not be effective. These same truths hold with any antibiotic.

    This is why BEST practice is to GET A SAMPLE of the milk, and find out EXACTLY what bacteria you're dealing with, rather than play "guessing games" with antibiotics, "hoping" you're using the right kind.

    If you are going to play guessing games, TMZ is as fine a choice as any of the best first-line treatments, and better than the rest.

    Just realize that there *are* certain bacteria which fall outside its range of efficacy ... as well as the fact that mis-use, under-dosing, or not giving frequently enough can build bacterial resistance ... and, again, these same truths hold for every single antibiotic under the sun.


  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    No antibiotic will work if the particular bacteria present in the animal is resistant to it.

    We typically select those antibiotics known to "have an affect" on X types of organism.

    TMZ is the #1 choice for breast abscesses, that and Clavamox.

    TMZ's highest concentration is in breast tissue.

    TMZ typically covers "most known pathogens" that infect breast tissue.

    However, if the particular pathogen in your bitch falls outside of what TMZ will get (and/or if you've mis-used, mis-dosed, didn't give often enough, long enough, or have over-used TMZ to the point that bacteria has built resistance to TMZ), then the TMZ will not be effective. These same truths hold with any antibiotic.

    This is why BEST practice is to GET A SAMPLE of the milk, and find out EXACTLY what bacteria you're dealing with, rather than play "guessing games" with antibiotics, "hoping" you're using the right kind.

    If you are going to play guessing games, TMZ is as fine a choice as any of the best first-line treatments, and better than the rest.

    Just realize that there *are* certain bacteria which fall outside its range of efficacy ... as well as the fact that mis-use, under-dosing, or not giving frequently enough can build bacterial resistance ... and, again, these same truths hold for every single antibiotic under the sun.

    Great post Jack and you beat me to it.

    I just want to give a word of advice to No Quarter Kennel. Just because your vet gave your bitch X type of antibiotics, it doesn't mean that all the pathogens were killed. There could be more than one type of bacteria present which would need two or more different types of antibiotics to kill. It would be a good idea to get the milk tested, if she is still producing milk, just to make sure its clean. You definitely don't want to go through this again next time.
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  6. #26
    Perfectly said

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Perfectly said
    Thank you!
    The best gamedog apparel on the net can be found here at:

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