Originally Posted by
CA Jack
No antibiotic will work if the particular bacteria present in the animal is resistant to it.
We typically select those antibiotics known to "have an affect" on X types of organism.
TMZ is the #1 choice for breast abscesses, that and Clavamox.
TMZ's highest concentration is in breast tissue.
TMZ typically covers "most known pathogens" that infect breast tissue.
However, if the particular pathogen in your bitch falls outside of what TMZ will get (and/or if you've mis-used, mis-dosed, didn't give often enough, long enough, or have over-used TMZ to the point that bacteria has built resistance to TMZ), then the TMZ will not be effective. These same truths hold with any antibiotic.
This is why BEST practice is to GET A SAMPLE of the milk, and find out EXACTLY what bacteria you're dealing with, rather than play "guessing games" with antibiotics, "hoping" you're using the right kind.
If you are going to play guessing games, TMZ is as fine a choice as any of the best first-line treatments, and better than the rest.
Just realize that there *are* certain bacteria which fall outside its range of efficacy ... as well as the fact that mis-use, under-dosing, or not giving frequently enough can build bacterial resistance ... and, again, these same truths hold for every single antibiotic under the sun.