Then why did you ask me the question, if you already knew the answer?
If you don't like MOK's opinion, I could care less.
However, if one of your own best dogs came from MOK, then ask yourself ... did one of
his best dogs came from you?
Okay, so what?
If you know MOK and all the ones mentioned are the real deal, and don't make excuses, then sit down and STFU when I relay the honest opinion of MOK.
Did you see 45 go? If so, speak up.
If not, again, sit down and STFU.
This is my story not yours.
If you actually saw 45 go, and you actually have a relevant opinion, then you are welcome to provide an input.
However, if you just want to "make noise," because you're a fan of some dogs and are surprised to hear a man has an opinion that A particular dog would have killed them ... but you have no insight of your own to provide ... again, STFU, your opinion is irrelevant.
All I know is MOK has always been honest, and real, with me as far as dog quality goes.
I also know for a fact he was involved with all parties, and directly saw all the dogs mentioned go.
All "you" know is the same AND that he sold you one of your best dogs.
So, if that is all you know, and you didn't see 45 go, then (as I said) sit down and STFU.
Everyone whom I have *ever* talked to, who actually saw the dog go, did nothing but RAVE about Jackson's 45 ... so my best guess is you NEVER saw the dog go, to be doubting him at all
Okay, fair enough.
OMG, more internet challenges from yet another dumbass
here is something you need to understand: I am not "looking for you" at all ...
you don't mean shit to me.
You questioned whether "I saw all the dogs," which I
never claimed to have done, but I *DID* cite my source, which makes your question a waste of my fogging time.
I don't care if you got off the bus yesterday, or 10 years ago, NOTHING will change THE FACT
Jackson's 45 DOA'd 2 dogs, in :17 and :19 respectively,
and "the guy who saw ALL the dogs mentioned" go ... AND who "sold you one of your best dogs" ...
DIRECTLY TOLD ME that 45 was at a totally different level and as close to an unbeatable dog as he has seen in
all his years in dogs.
That's it.
Are you trying to scare me?
Buddy, my dogs have beaten FAR bigger fish than you, and I haven't bred dogs for 3 years. MOK has no more dogs.
Your "challenge" is therefore nothing but
internet stupidity ... all because I relayed "an opinion" of a man you
also know is legit.
Now, as far as this debate goes, I will "carry it on" with you forever .. or toss your dumb ass out on your ear ... unless you SHUT TF UP ...
or ... give a first-hand account of
what you SAW of 45.
If you actually saw 45 go, as well as the other dogs mentioned (Amboss, Bullett, and Psycho) ... AND if you have a legitimate differing opinion ... then you are welcome to disagree with MOK's assessment. No problemo.
However, if you didn't actually see 45,
and the other dogs mentioned ... which makes all the noise you're making here a wasting my fogging time with a bunch of lip ... then go back to my STFU directive.
Because, as far as being "cool," you seem to be more of a doubter, and cheerleader, than anything I would consider cool.
MOK, on the other hand, has never been a cheerleader, and thought the world of ALL the dogs mentioned, but he was just
that impressed with 45 by comparison.
Deal with it,