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Thread: Older dogs

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bingo View Post
    I think its funny how sensitive alot of these members are.This is the best board out there because bullshit is not allowed.No kids arguing over stuff they cant back up.Site would be alot better with more people adding quality posts,but most people just cant take an objective opinion unless you go out of your way to sugar coat your questions or criticisms.An honest objective opinion is hard to come by in this world today especially with the overly sensitive people that make up this world.You would think people would appreciate the opinion of knowledgeable dogmen especially when you know that on this board Jack is strongly opinionated and does not sugar coat his responses.Instead you see responses like" you didn't have to come at me like that" or "I didn't come here to be bashed" when someone took the time to type a response telling you where to get info on best feed for your old dog.We need Evo back and others to add positive as well as negative knowledable responses to this board.
    True, and thank you for your comments.

    Another thing people have to understand is I have been over this same stuff 10,000x, and one same theme is forever the same:

    People are PROGRAMMED to think "dog food = kibble"

    So when you tell people "Dogfood = Raw, Whole Animals" ... they reject this TRUTH ... and go back to asking about "kibble"

    The reason why I am so emphatic is *not* to "bash" a person, but to make them THINK, to get the thought of "kibble" OUT of their head, which is a very tough thing to do.

    It takes people YEARS to finally get it through their heads that kibble is NOT the best food for their dogs ... I know, because it took me years also.

    The quicker a person learns to just SHUT UP about kibble, and start feeding raw, the quicker they will go to saying, "Thank you for shutting me up about kibble and turning me on to feeding raw" ... just like people have here

  2. #12

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
    Kmsl delete me

  4. #14
    Raw is the only thing you can possibly do to extend the dogs life outside of other supplementation. But IMO you use supplements after you fix the diet, not as a band aid for a poor diet. A dog that old, eating kibble for that long... Complete diet turn around is really the only thing that could possibly extend his life.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Hand View Post
    Raw is the only thing you can possibly do to extend the dogs life outside of other supplementation. But IMO you use supplements after you fix the diet, not as a band aid for a poor diet. A dog that old, eating kibble for that long... Complete diet turn around is really the only thing that could possibly extend his life.
    Yes, that is pretty much where I was going with my posts...

    I have seen this first hand with my own old dog, and I know for a fact that the raw food did extend her life by a couple of years.

    Considering so many of these dogs do not live to see their 2nd birthday, having one get to 12 or 13 yrs means one should try to improve their lives and good food is the best thing for any dog.

    Raw feeding is the best but even supplementing with raw will help. And the oils will benefit any diet.

    Basically (and this goes for our own food too) eating foods that are fresh is a huge improvement over foods full of chemicals, additives, and highly processed. I find I go into a grocery store and there is maybe only 5% of their foods that I would eat myself, i.e. fresh produce and fresh meats, etc.

    No matter how "good" the kibble is, it is still a processed food and raw is a far more natural food for any dog. Easier to digest, and they get more nutrition from it.

    Sure it costs more and takes more time but if you want to feed your dog the best, raw is the best...
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  6. #16
    Perfectly said, SGC

  7. #17
    I doubted the difference that raw made to the health of a dog so I did a 60 day trial , and the difference was amazing there coat quality , overall appearance , zest , and energy was measureable . I had been feeding a high quality grain free kibble at the time of my switch .

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